Finally, exam had ended.. last paper was a 2hr essay writting.. wrote non-stop.. at the end of my paper.. felt numbness on my hand.. luckily the stadium was airconditioned.. if not.. we will all be melting like icecream.. weather was sky high of 39 Degc.. Prayfully.. done my best.. God will do the rest.. mmh.. (-.~,)..
Perth weather is getting from hot to hotter + humid.. cant believe.. it's only coming to end of spring.. the temp has already reach 39 Deg.. mmh.. pro during Summer.. will be even higher than 40++..
In perth.. nothing much to do..basically.. chilling out with friends.. eat.. walk hug.. work.. exercise (swimming... blading.. etc..)..
Visited this place called "Red Cabbage".. tasted one of the nicest cheesecake in perth... Peanutbutter cheesecake with caramel.. although I'm not a fans of peanut.. but it wasnt that bad.. not too creamy.. or cheesy or nutty.. or sweet.. smooth n melt in your mouth.. nice.. The hazelnut choco moose doesnt taste as good as the peanutbutter cheesecake..

Steak + BBQ chicken

Love Spring - brought hug for a walk @ park.. nice purple color flowery tree.. Counting down.. so happy..haa.. horse riding on it way.. meanwhile.. be a workaholic + keeping fit *finger XX*
Baked tofu cheesecake (But it doesnt contain cheese)..
2 X 300g of firm tofu
1 egg
1/4 sugar
6 tps of lemon juice
2 tps of lemon rind
250g of biscuits (scrotch/ marie biscuits crushed)
80 - 100g of unsalted butter
Prepared base - placed in on the pan (lined with baking paper)
Preheat oven - 180 degc
Blend tofu + egg + sugar .. till creamy.. add in lemon juice + lemon rind .. blend till well mixed..
Pour in over base and heat for approx 35 -40mins, or till cake became wobbly and firm.. Refridge overnight and serve..
Pour in over base and heat for approx 35 -40mins, or till cake became wobbly and firm.. Refridge overnight and serve..
Really hope things can be sorted out.. dont like to be force into doing things i felt that i'm restricted.. this is the first time in my life it happened.. not sure is it for good or for bad.. perth ??..
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