It my last day of clinical placement, a mixed feeling.. partly.. I did enjoyed the whole 2 weeks of clinical placement.. learnt alot from the clinical nurse (community health nurse) I am attached to.. she is caring.. nice.. polite.. well informed.. hardworking.. knowledgeable.. n capable lady.. cant believe.. she holds 4 jobs at her age of 51.. require to support her children through sch.. Her main policy in nursing.. is RESPECT.. INTEGRITY.. and HONESTY.. with all included.. Interpersonel skills + good EQ is essential.. that what nurses are suppose to be.. communication.. interacting with ppl of all ages.. from kids as young as 0 - XXyrs.. knowing when and how.. to present yourself at the right place.. at the right time..
As a clinical nurse in high school, where sexual health, social risk, alcohol, nutrition, risk taking, immunisation is prevalent in this environment.. one have to understand, listen, educate and promote good health.. would require support from the government, school community, parents/guardian, teachers, students, etc.. not easy i should say.. as what she said: Learnt to cover your own back (*ass) when you are out working in this society.. rmb documentation is important.. black n white.. prove.. to verify + as an evidence..
At the kiddy, realised lots of kids are diagnosed with speech and autism problem.. as young as 4yrs old.. hence the nurse got to write a referral.. to get the parent/teacher to arrange for further check up.. good in a way..if illness are discovered earlier.. easier to get help from.. not till you are in your late teenage years.. reduces the benefit/support you get from the government..
End of the day, bought a box of choco for my preceptor.. haa.. she gave me a good evaluation feedback.. nice.. she willing to be my references.. too.. n referral for future use.. thank god..
I am really blessed.. heard from some of my classmates.. they gt really nasty and incorrigble preceptors.. who do not appreciate their help.. make use of them.. treating them like servant.. unkind.. n rude.. long travelling distance.. etc.. hence... we should all learnt to trust God in our walk with him.. although.. its true.. he deal with us differently in life.. dependent on individual (overall).. back to square one.. he's the one who know us inside out.. no escape.. moral: Find trust and rest in him..
Went for dinner with drew at Nichoson Grills.. nice family oriented environment.. lots of birthday celebration going on.. food was nicely presented.. staff polite.. perhape a nice place to bring your family.. down..

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