Friday, went to "C"-restaurant with drew.. its a revolving restaurant.. nice ambient.. nice scenary.. beautiful lightning.. courteous staff... tasty desserts... overall.. enjoyable.. Received a self-composed songs.. meaningful.. well sang.. will be a great composer.. its all dependent on the mood.. ambient.. right time.. right place.. right setting..
Believe a song can touch one heart.. when it is compose and sang with sincerity.. that's the beauty of it..
This year.. recieved a bible (which i wanted ** handy**.. daily verse..).. handmade gifts.. sunny flowery bear sitting on branches.. handmade card with a cutey smiley face.. treats.. perfumes.. personnel wears..choco.. nuts.. cakes..wishes..songs with "beautiful" music + lyrics.. leg massager..birthday cards.. n huggy..
Was surprised when dad called at 10plus.. to ask me to go online.. to celebrate my birthday through web cam..haa.. further more.. the suggestion was from my mom.. added on surprises.. haa.. brilliant ideas I should say.. with the advance in technology.. many things can be done at the same time..
Was really impressed and touched by their ideas.. they sang birthday songs for me.. made a wish.. blow the candles.. and cut the cake.. served the cake.. a share for me.. cyber cake.. n ate the cake for me.. haa.. funny .. but enjoyable ... importantly.. it the thoughts behind..

Huggy updates:
Ytd, found some poo.. with minor bloody stains.. was surprised **again**.. to find the super glue cap..from last episode.. was in the poos.. wao.. poor silly huggy..
moral is - plastics cap is not digestable.. nor degradable.. beware..what goes in... must come out..
Today.. silly huggy was playing around with the plastic bottle.. accidentally.. the bottle roll under the car..haa.. he tried to squeeze under the car.. to get his bottle back.. unfortunately.. he did not manage to retrieve the bottle back.. after squeezing 3/4 of his body under the car.. cant help him.. *decided to let him retreive it himself.. tml morning* was a amusing sight... haa.. alway amuse me.. with his silly action.. n behaviour..
Spoke to an aboriginal health worker today.. pity the A ppl here.. superficially..the government over here.. supports HUMAN RIGHTS.. believe in Equity.. integrity.. however.. after having a chat with our guest speaker today..realised that the government painted a beautiful pictures.. for ppl to see that they took care of the A.. everything is under control.. in truth.. they are still suffering .. till today.. in terms of funding.. accessibility to health care services.. etc.. are not well taken care of.. feel sorry for them.. in a way.. anyway.. what we can do.. is only to do our best.. n pray for the best..
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