Look on the Bright Sides of LIFE..

Monday, July 28, 2008


This morning, went to Uni for a walk.. done some miscellaneous stuff.. got some books.. labcoat.. send some mail..find my class room.. met some ppl along the way..those are the guys I met when i went for the Passion club badminton game on Sunday evening.. Nice folks..

Finally.. today is the completion of my scarf.. thou i have being knitting for quite some time..haa.. but this is the first time i have ever complete a nice scarf.. going to use it for this winter.. takes about 3 days to complete - Heya it Pure wool.. 100%..

Pls c pic as below, anyone who wana learn to knit..pls kindly give me a ring.. rmb teaching Cd.. to knit.. think her is like "half a bucket of water".. hopefully..Cd.. pls dun waste the material.. we need to learn how to save the environment..

---> my finish product..

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