Went to church for New year count down.. theory is.. Starts your Year with God.. no matter what happens.. believes' he will alway be there for us.. Group of nice and friendly church friend.. although there's some funny ones..
Recently, just got back from 4D3N Esperances trip.. a 8 hrs drives from perth.. with Drew, Cherie and Jen.. journey was pleasant and enjoyable.. visited many places.. mostly lakes.. Pink lakes.. sea salt lake.. monjijup.. jetty.. windmills.. ferry rides over to woody island.. camped and done short snorkelling.. yabbies farm... although at times.. some events happened.. believe it happened for a reason..perhape for one to get to know the other better.. if all things are blissful and smooth.. probably might wonder why.. aNyway.. it was a enjoyable holiday cum experience.. climbed up Cape le grand mini mountain.. where temp hits 45 deg C.. all got sun burned + tanned.. dived into the ocean.. for a swim.. to cool ourselves down.. headed for some BBQ at night.. cooked on portable stove on the jetty.. met Sammy the sealion.. Eventually, when we finally get back to perth.. was so exhausted.. haa..

As usual.. working.. fellowship.. classes commencing in end feb.. meeting friends.. movies.. Exercises.. swimming + jogging (Plan to do it pro 3 times a week).. Drumming.. playing with huggy.. got to discipline this big fellow..getting bigger.. n stronger.. drew mom nearly got drag away by him.. there's alway a saying :"Curiousity kills a DOG".. its true.. but.. he's only an animal.. haiz.. just got to do it.. weather is getting hotter nowadays.. at times.. it reaches sky high of 45deg..
Went to work today, worked with Dianelle.. realised.. sometimes ppl simply dont really care for the resident that much.. only care for those resident where they get benefits from.. for examples.. this morning..while getting Tom up.. she just simply want to get her job done with.. *Cause her roaster got mixed up by the floor coordinator - ended up there's 2 ppl coming for work for the same shift*..wanted to get Tom dressed with a Coat.. plus change pad and pants on.. took it out.. however.. she doesnt seems to be willing to do it.. simply ignored it.. as she works over in this facility longer than me.. hence I just follow what she wants to do.. although Tom is supposed to be under my care.. Just my luck.. the Manager happens to came in early today.. said Tom smells.. and found his pant not put on.. only covered with blanket.. told the coordinator off.. ended up.. got told by the coordinator to be look after resident Dignity.. I do agreed with her.. That's life..
Anyway.. my new year resolution.. is to do my best in all things.. put in 100% care for all things I do.. so long I know it's right and for the best.. I should stick to it.. not being pushed over by ppl who dont really care.. They are simply incorrigible.. hiaz..
Life Policy:
Looks on the Bright sides of Life.. lived ur life to the fullest.. with no regrets.. and trust and believe by Faith in God..