Since its christmas now.. over in perth.. it's like a big occasion.. similar to New year.. everybody..busy shopping. busy gifts.. foods.. clothes.. choco.. etc.. n their holiday.. wao.. fantastic.. nearly 2 weeks.. ppl over here.. simply enjoy their life to the fullest.. Went to this event "The Road to Bethelem".. pretty interesting.. review about the birth of Jesus..

Huggy is getting bigger.. n stronger.. n playful.. moral = climb + jump higher.. one day.. when i came back home from work.. found this silly hug.. on top of the rubbish bin.. cant believe he can do it... ended up.. he dont even know how to climb down.. a funny sight indeed..

On wed.. just bought huggy down to the vet to be desex = Sterilisation.. costly indeed... basically.. what the vet does it to remove the testicles.. scrotrum are still intact.. probably might shrink alittle.. that's about it.. done a blood test for him.. ensuring all things are fine.. so silly..cant believe animal requires such treatment.. haa.. currently.. he got a "trumpet" named "Elizabethan Collar".. on his head.. to prevent him from chewing and bitting of the stitches.. Trade mark on his ear - to indicate that he is sterilised.. going back 10 days later to remove the stitches.. he doesnt seems to know that he is currently denounced as "Eunch doggy".. haa..
Went to laker tavern to have lunch.. heard from the residents.. worth going.. tasted alright.. ordered fish n chips + salt and pepper squid..

Watched movie with Drew.. Cherie and Evo.. Avatar.. wao.. 3 hrs movie.. nice n interesting.. perhape one of the nicest movie for this year 2009..
Then after.. Took a picture using the digital print for IC purposes.. haa..surprisly.. able to squeeze in 2 ppl.. think with more effort.. 3 or 4 person..shld be able to make it.. although the machine indicated..stictly for one person only.. IC purpose.. nice print.. **cherie you shld join in nxt time round**
Then after.. Took a picture using the digital print for IC purposes.. haa..surprisly.. able to squeeze in 2 ppl.. think with more effort.. 3 or 4 person..shld be able to make it.. although the machine indicated..stictly for one person only.. IC purpose.. nice print.. **cherie you shld join in nxt time round**
Went with drew to purchase some stuff for esperance trip.. wao.. the aussie here.. are as KIASU like all ppl.. as today is boxing day.. most mall..having great discount..up to 50% or more.. on many items.. hence.. many ppl were seen quencing outside differ outlets.. awaiting for shops to open at 10am.. in order to grab the stuff they want.. as per news.. it was reported some started quencing at abt 11pm last night.. phew..